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If you're reading this, it's probably because you want to know what we do, why we do it, or just who we are. With us, there's no room for doubt: we're open and honest.



Free yourself!

Our mission is to bring together free spirits who are aware of the value of life, and who want to live it to the full.

To this end, we've created this boutique entirely dedicated to the powerful symbol of the Serpents.
Our products are a true emblem of your image, a pledge of freedom of conscience and action in modern society.


Dare to do!

We're striving for a world in which everyone sets their own limits, where everyone assumes their choices without fear, and in which it's finally possible to feel fully alive.

toronto-stunning-sunset snakes store


This Latin phrase means "remember that you will die". It expresses acceptance of our destiny and reflects a certain humility in the face of life's trials. These few words perfectly represent the spirit of our brand, which is reflected in every product in our store.

snake ring costumer

Clara V.

"Happy that I received my purchases. Top-notch Serpent Ring. Thanks, keep up the good work!"

men wearing a snake tshirt testemony

Robin J.

"I've well received The Gift from my wife. Can't wait to wear it this summer for our motorcycle outings!"


Chloe A.

"I bought this limited edition Snakeskin Dress thanks to the newsletter. It looks great on me. Can't wait for the next good deals."

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