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Snake Symbolism: The ULTIMATE GUIDE

Snake Symbolism: The ULTIMATE GUIDE

Most people are afraid of these creatures. However, they are not informed of the meanings of the serpent and the spiritual side of this animal. 🤔

Nevertheless, this reptile could well be the oldest animal to have been given meaning by man: The Bible itself mentions a living Serpent in the Garden of Eden, in the Old Testament! It is mainly from this evil snake present in the Christian book that snakes have a bad reputation today in the western world.

adam and eve in the garden of eden

But the serpent can symbolize many different things. Present in many beliefs, the Symbolism of the Serpent can radically change according to each culture.

However, some symbols are shared by many peoples, living (or having lived) sometimes very distant from each other. We propose here the guide of the most common meanings assigned to the snake.

👉If you are interested in snakes, take a look at our magnificent snake ring collection handmade by an expert craftsman. ⚒️



The serpent represents infinity, change, rebirth, transformation, and transmutation. This is because it mutates regularly throughout its existence: It sheds its old skin and rebuilds a new one, which symbolizes the cycle of life. This meaning is represented by Ouroboros, the famous serpent that bites its tail . It symbolizes the balance and eternity of creation, but also immortality, growth, and spiritual health over time. The Ouroboros is, therefore, comparable to the Chinese symbol of Yin-Yang in its meaning.

Chinese symbol of Yin-Yang

The serpent crawling on the ground is also connected to the earth and, therefore, the primordial force that animates all life. Thus, it also represents the umbilical cord, which connects all humans to Mother Earth. In this way, the Symbolism of the Serpent is often linked to the connection between two opposing forces: good and evil, moon and sun, water, and fire 💧/🔥. This animal is, therefore, the perfect representation of duality and the quest for balance.

With its strong symbolism, the Ouroboros has been worn by Men of all eras and cultures in the form of jewelry, such as the Ouroboros Bracelet or this..



As a Spiritual Animal, the snake comes into your life to make significant changes in your mind. It wants you to leave behind the past, your guilt, and focus on the present. When the snake sheds its skin, it invites you to abandon your old perceptions of things so that a new "you" reborn.

Because the snake also wants your spirituality growing, the snake will watch over your progress to a better tomorrow . You can expect that the snake will warn you when you are going too fast and guide you in the right direction when you are lost.


Many cults around the world know an illustration forming a spiral with two entwined snakes. It symbolizes several things:

  • The connection between the primary forces
  • The duality of opposites ✅❌
  • Spiritual communication
  • Union with Divinity
  • The magical or organic assembling from what was once fragmented

This may also represent double helix DNA. Indeed, it symbolizes the connection of the body with the spirit and thus a form of wisdom. In any case, the understanding of a symbolism that culture gives to these two coiled snakes teaches us a lot about their way of life and thinking.

roses and snakes



The Snake as Animal Totem represents the duality of good and evil. People whose snake is the totem are generally dynamic and impulsive. Therefore, they must be careful with their decisions. For example, an unexpected trip can be disastrous, but it can also be a lot of fun. As long as you plan for the unexpected, you are safe from danger.

Your friends and family feel your presence as pleasant and protective. The people born under the snake's totem are smart and very flexible. They can adapt quickly to any situation and turn it to their advantage.

These people are born with the ability to get free of guilt and can be attracted by occult knowledge as with Witchcraft 🧙🏼, or Shamanism. But they can also make excellent healers because of their natural ability to balance energies and their strong, vital energy.

witch snake


Two major types of Snake totems exist, relating to the two hunting methods used by these reptiles.

  • Constrictor Snake Totem:People with a constrictor snake totem are powerful and intimidating 💪. However, they can also be gentle. They are also able to take action to achieve their goals. People with the constrictor totem are focused, rely on their instincts, and can sense other worlds. Those with the constrictor snake totem must be careful not to overprotect their friends and loved ones, or they may suffocate them.
  • Venomous Snake Totem: People with a poisonoussnake totem are charismatic. They communicate very well and warn others before striking. People with this type of spiritual animal move quickly through transformations and stages of life. They will also defend their position when a situation becomes difficult ⚔️. However, they know when it is appropriate to retreat. People with this snake totem pole heal quickly and effectively from past traumas. They also spend time detoxifying themselves from external forces that pollute their energy body.
The snake totem

The snake totem, like all other totem animals, is closely related to Astrology. If you wish to learn more about this exciting field, our team recommends this Astrology Site. It was created 14 years ago by a professional astrologer. This site is the reference in the field to provide answers to your questions 👍.



Snakes are cited several times in the Holy Bible. The most famous one is in Genesis, chapter 3. A serpent present in the Garden of Eden induces Eve to eat the fruit of the Tree of the knowledge of good and evil. The fruit from the Tree has been forbidden by God, resulting in the expulsion from the garden of Eden and Eve.

In the Exodus passages, God transforms the Staff of Moses into a serpent to show him his power. This, by the way, also impresses Pharaoh! Meanwhile, in Nombers, Moses hangs a bronze serpent from staff to heal the Hebrew wounds, especially snake bites.

In all these passages, snakes are associated with the supernatural, although they can be benevolent or dangerous. Most people associate the serpent in Genesis with Satan. But the Devil is not identified as the serpent, or as possessing the serpent in the ancient texts. The serpent is simply a cunning trickster who brings temptation. The role of the serpent in Genesis is to introduce free-will into the mind of man, teaching him Good and Evil through the famous Original Sin.

the famous Original Sin


The Serpent in Egypt was worshipped as a gracious goddess. This deity is personified in the Uraeus, a sacred object in the form of a cobra, symbol of the Egyptian deity Wadjet. She was one of the first Egyptian goddesses, often depicted as a cobra. She was worshipped as the goddess of the Nile Delta, and the protector of all Lower Egypt. The pharaohs wore her image (the Uraeus) as an ornament at the top of the crown surrounding the heads of the Egyptian kings 👑. The Pharaoh was recognized only by the wearing of the Uraeus, which gave him authority.

Uraeus, a sacred object in the form of a cobra


Snakes are revered in the mythology of certain Native American cultures in California. In the Anishinaabe tribes, it was believed that snake venom could cure diseases, so it became the Symbol of Healing. Some Indian tribes associate the snake with fertility because of its Phallic Form.

Phallic Form


The viper can resist the cold, making it the only species of snake that the ancient Celts could observe at the time. These snakes burrow deep into the belly of the earth so that the Celts saw in them the Symbol of Human Fertilization and, therefore, the balance between male and female power, which are complementary to give life.

The horned Celtic deity Cernunnos holds a serpent, which indicates that he is the master of creation, fertility, and cosmic balance. A creature of mystical origin, the Celts considered the serpent to be the guardian of the afterlife.


The serpent is the most revered creature in Mayan symbolism. Its ability to swallow all of its prey is considered magical and is a representation of the Metamorphosis. What we consider as food, the Maya see as transformation. Moreover, the mouth of the serpent is considered as a symbol of the gaping void that connects the serpent to the mystic.

Although Ixchel is the Mayan goddess of the jaguar, the serpent that she carries in her hair signifies the complete transformation of the mind, soul, and body. It is said that it encourages people to enter the unknown (the mouth of the serpent), to consume themselves 🔥, and to come out of it completely transformed.



The meaning of a Serpent's Dream is explained by the colors, nature, and actions of the creature that appeared to us 💭. There are many different interpretations of the omens related to Snakes.

When the snake visits your dream, it signals you to get rid of your habits. It invites you to try to improve yourself, to get rid of your "old skin" and your bad emotions, to transform them into something bigger and better. The animal wants you to understand that these changes are good for you.

Dreaming of Snake may symbolize your fear and anxiety about sex. You may be inexperienced in this area, making you nervous and anxious. If you are worried about the serpent, it may mean that you are afraid of sex, intimacy, or engagement 💍.

In the symbolism of Yoga, the serpent can open the Chakras. It represents the energy wound on the bottom of your spine: the Kundalini. This is where creativity and emotions are based. Therefore, snake dreams speak of your deepest desires and motivations. Seeing a Snake in a dream can be an omen reminding you to stay connected to yourself so that you can later connect to your environment for spiritual growth. This is the only way you can free yourself from the chains of your past ⛓️.


Some dreams of Snakes are more pleasant than others. But all of them have a hidden meaning that you need to know if you want to understand your dreams. Usually, dreams of Serpents will not allow you to identify the specific snake in question. In this case, here is a shortlist of possible meanings:

  • Dream of a headless or eyeless snake: warns you that danger is near and you ignore it ⚠️.
  • Dream of a snake eating its tail: reminds you that there is life after death, hope after loss.
  • Being bitten by a snake in a dream: your hidden fears and worries resurface.
  • Dream of snakeskin: you are protected from diseases
  • Dream of intertwined snakes: reveals a restlessness and inner confusion in you.
  • Dream of a coiled snake: Reveals the need to quickly seize an opportunity that presents itself to you.
  • Dream of ascending snake: a dream of a White Snake that seems to drift upwards is positive. This vision indicates self-renewal, positive change, and spiritual enlightenment.
  • Dream of a wounded or dead snake: this is a warning that you need to make an effort to take a positive direction in your life before it's too late ⌚.

If you can identify the serpent in your vision, it is not by chance. In this case, here are the possible meanings:

  • Viper's Dream: Alerts you that there is someone in your inner circle of friends and family that you cannot trust. Watch for signs of hypocrisy.
  • Anaconda's dream: you can't control everything, sometimes you have to let things take care of themselves.
  • Boa's dream: you cling too hard to those you love, to the point of suffocating them.
  • Cobra's dream: stay alert and ready to quickly seize unexpected opportunities. You'll only succeed if you're sharp 💨.
  • Dream of Python: you are a powerful person, but you must maintain this power until the right moment so that nothing can resist you.
  • Dream of a rattlesnake: reminds you to be attentive to the warnings of others, to be respectful of their limits ⛔.



Present in many myths, the Symbol of the Serpent has not disappeared today. In many countries, particularly in Europe, the emblem of Medicine is represented by an Aesculapian snake entwined around the Staff of Asclepius ⚕️ (or "Medical Caduceus"). Son of Apollo, Asclepius is the God of Medicine in Greek mythology. Today his name is mentioned in the Hippocratic Oath, which all Western doctors must take before practicing.

The Stick of Asclepius is different from the bowl of Hygeia (or "Pharmaceutical Caduceus"), the symbol of Pharmacy. The Cup of Hygeia takes the shape of a glass of wine with a snake wrapped around it. It represents the patient who chooses to rely on Medicine to cure himself.

These two artifacts should not be confused with the Caduceus of the Greek God Hermes. It is a stick around which two snakes are intertwined. The Caduceus of Hermes symbolizes commerce 💲 and eloquence (Hermes being the God of Commerce), as well as Medicine in America.

Humans have always worn ornaments in the likeness of Snakes. And even today, snake jewelry is still very trendy! Their success comes as much from their symbolism as from their unique and original style.

At Snakes Store, we want to help perpetuate this timeless style through our Snake products! If you're looking for different jewelry with a thousand-year-old symbolism, then you've come to the right place! 

blue snake shoes

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